The Relentless Darci Stern Welcome! Urban Chaos was a game developed by Mucky Foot Productions in 1999 for the PC, Playstation, and Dreamcast. Though this game received little media attention and mediocre reviews, Urban Chaos paved the way to the future with its innovated open world environment. A first of its kind in terms of open gameplay, Urban Chaos is an action packed game and one of our favorites of all time. This open ended environment was used for Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto games. Urban Chaos was first, however! We've been playing this game for over 7 years, and despite its aging graphics, it's still a hit! Darci Stern stars as a rookie police officer who is tasked with taking down the growing threat of the Wildcat Gang! Though only a rookie, Darci Stern is given the most arduous tasks and receives little help from her other fellow officers. A widescreen patch has revived this game for modern play, and our version is compatible with all flavors of Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Here at Urban Chaos HQ, you can download and replay one of the best games ever created! Also, we offer a variety of media that can be downloaded from this site. Check it out and enjoy the ride! © Urban Chaos HQ 2012 |